Legacy Endowments and Giving
If you are interested in legacy giving, there are many possible options. Our church currently has four endowments set up by current and past members of our congregation:
1) First Presbyterian Church of Wasilla Mission Endowment, established October 27, 1994
Purpose: Provide for Presbyterian Mission work as determined by the session of First Presbyterian Church of Wasilla
2) Elizabeth D. Gaines and Katherine G. Steele Scholarship Endowment, established March 9, 1999
Purpose: To offer financial assistance as scholarship gifts to offset tuition, registration fees, travel, books, and related educational expenses to select recipients who are: Recent graduates of a Mat-Su Valley high school, students taking studies within the first five years of high school graduation, members of any established Christian church, loyal to America and willing to up hold its laws.
3) Harold C. Dinkel and Frances C. Dinkel Endowment, established October 4, 2001
Purpose: Wishing to honor and bear witness to their parents' Christian Faith and in their parents' service to First Presbyterian Church of Wasilla, the Dinkel family has established a permanent fund with the Presbyterian Foundation to be used for the educational ministries of this church. The intent of the family is to have this gift used for educational ministries primarily benefiting children, youth, young adults and those in the church that work with them. It is envisioned that this fund can help people attend camps, conferences, and training events. Also, this fund may be able to help with special projects that arise out of the educational ministries of this church. It is the family's wish to be intentional about the use of the fund but also to allow for changes and growth within the educational ministries of First Presbyterian Church of Wasilla. This covenant is to be reviewed annually by the session to assure that the funds use is in line with the educational ministry and vision of the church and the intentions of the Harold and Frances Dinkel Fund. Each year the session will prioritize use of the funds in the order listed according to need, i.e., camp scholarships, then youth attending conferences, special projects for educational ministries.
Please click here to be redirected to the endowment website.
4) Bob and Kathy Christensen Mission Fund, established 2016
It is the donors' intent that the income from this endowment be distributed annually to the Session of First Presbyterian Church of Wasilla for the restricted use of missions. It is the intent of the donors that distributions not be used for the administration of the church. This includes salaries, facilities, associated cost of administration, replacement costs or costs associated with daily running of the office. Proceeds may be passed through the church to support church mission or used to support internal mission projects of the church.
You may give directly to any of these existing endowments by going to this link. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on "Make an addition to an existing endowment fund" and this will take you to the endowments locator page.
How to start your own Endowment
Establish an endowment fund to make an expression of your faith that will provide a perpetual stream of support for your congregation or chosen ministry today, tomorrow and well into the future. A permanent endowment fund is created through an irrevocable gift of $25,000 or more to the Foundation. The Foundation holds and professionally manages the fund and pays income from the fund in perpetuity to the church or ministry you select as the endowment's beneficiary. See more at the Presbyterian Foundation.
1) First Presbyterian Church of Wasilla Mission Endowment, established October 27, 1994
Purpose: Provide for Presbyterian Mission work as determined by the session of First Presbyterian Church of Wasilla
2) Elizabeth D. Gaines and Katherine G. Steele Scholarship Endowment, established March 9, 1999
Purpose: To offer financial assistance as scholarship gifts to offset tuition, registration fees, travel, books, and related educational expenses to select recipients who are: Recent graduates of a Mat-Su Valley high school, students taking studies within the first five years of high school graduation, members of any established Christian church, loyal to America and willing to up hold its laws.
3) Harold C. Dinkel and Frances C. Dinkel Endowment, established October 4, 2001
Purpose: Wishing to honor and bear witness to their parents' Christian Faith and in their parents' service to First Presbyterian Church of Wasilla, the Dinkel family has established a permanent fund with the Presbyterian Foundation to be used for the educational ministries of this church. The intent of the family is to have this gift used for educational ministries primarily benefiting children, youth, young adults and those in the church that work with them. It is envisioned that this fund can help people attend camps, conferences, and training events. Also, this fund may be able to help with special projects that arise out of the educational ministries of this church. It is the family's wish to be intentional about the use of the fund but also to allow for changes and growth within the educational ministries of First Presbyterian Church of Wasilla. This covenant is to be reviewed annually by the session to assure that the funds use is in line with the educational ministry and vision of the church and the intentions of the Harold and Frances Dinkel Fund. Each year the session will prioritize use of the funds in the order listed according to need, i.e., camp scholarships, then youth attending conferences, special projects for educational ministries.
Please click here to be redirected to the endowment website.
4) Bob and Kathy Christensen Mission Fund, established 2016
It is the donors' intent that the income from this endowment be distributed annually to the Session of First Presbyterian Church of Wasilla for the restricted use of missions. It is the intent of the donors that distributions not be used for the administration of the church. This includes salaries, facilities, associated cost of administration, replacement costs or costs associated with daily running of the office. Proceeds may be passed through the church to support church mission or used to support internal mission projects of the church.
You may give directly to any of these existing endowments by going to this link. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on "Make an addition to an existing endowment fund" and this will take you to the endowments locator page.
How to start your own Endowment
Establish an endowment fund to make an expression of your faith that will provide a perpetual stream of support for your congregation or chosen ministry today, tomorrow and well into the future. A permanent endowment fund is created through an irrevocable gift of $25,000 or more to the Foundation. The Foundation holds and professionally manages the fund and pays income from the fund in perpetuity to the church or ministry you select as the endowment's beneficiary. See more at the Presbyterian Foundation.
First Presbyterian Church of Wasilla
1375 E Bogard Road, Wasilla, AK 99654
(907) 376-5053
Copyright Licenses: CCS #9040 and CCLI #923959
1375 E Bogard Road, Wasilla, AK 99654
(907) 376-5053
Copyright Licenses: CCS #9040 and CCLI #923959